Creating happiness
Thank you for supporting this dream
Since I was a child, drawing and creativity have been part of my life, I was always looking for ways to change and make anything original.
The first time I saw a Blythe doll, I was surprised by her big eyes and the extent to which she could change her expression, turning each doll into a unique and original piece. With the utmost enthusiasm, little by little I obtained the materials and improved my technique, a journey that has lasted years.
One day I decided to sell one of my customized Blythes and when I saw the success that that brunette had, I realized that I couldn't stop creating them.
Since then my goal has been to achieve a tender and realistic expression in each of them. Each doll is unique and a new opportunity to experiment and make the person who adopts it happy.
My dream is that my Blythes are adopted by people all over the world and they are very happy with them. Thank you for supporting this dream.